Shoreline Calvary is a diverse and vibrant church community located in Tauranga. We are a group of people who have been radically changed by the love of God and the truth of His word. Shoreline is known as a church that is committed to the verse by verse teaching of the Bible, and is affiliated with a larger family of churches called Calvary Chapel. For more information on Calvary Chapel, please click here.


A name is simply a means of identification, but we do believe that as a church our name ought to have a meaning behind it.

The shoreline is a place where water meets land, and we want to be a place where the water of God's word can meet a world in need. It is also a place of renewal and change, and we want to be a church community where people not only hear God's word, but where people become doers of the Word.

Calvary is the place where blood and water flowed down the side of Jesus as He hung upon the cross for our sins. Calvary is a place where the debt of our sin was paid and reminds us that only His blood can wash away our sins. Like the shoreline, Calvary is a place that reminds us of renewal and change. The Bible teaches us that we are new creations in Christ because of what He accomplished upon the cross at Calvary.


Our hope is that as often as you visit the shoreline, you would remember Calvary!



Our Vision
We want to see
  •  Jesus exalted
  •  His people established
  •  His people equipped
  •  His people engaged
  •  The world enlightened
Our Values
We Are
  • Passionate about prayer
  • Emphatic about exposition
  • Authentic in adoration
  • Sustained by the Spirit
  • Focused on fellowship
  • Committed to our commission